Webinar: Brazil Looks to Medtech Solutions, and Switzerland can Help

Webinar: Brazil Looks to Medtech Solutions, and Switzerland can Help

The medtech sector is growing around the world, including Brazil, where there is a growing demand for digital health solutions. With that in mind, the Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) will be hosting a free Webinar with companies that can be of assistance in future partnerships between the two countries. We are very glad to be able to participate in this event through one of our partners, Gabriel Walmory. The event will be held on Wednseday, May 19th from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Swiss time (11am to 12pm Brazilian time).

“The field of medtech encompasses a lot of different areas within healthcare. It’s a sector that’s gaining in popularity all over the world, from patients, medical providers, and insurers. And there is great potential in Brazil, a vast country with a huge, diverse population and the second largest economy on the Western hemisphere (behind the U.S.) and the largest in all of Latin America. That combined with the Brazilian government’s new initiatives aimed to foster modernization of the sector and facilitation of imports and foreign investment and it’s clear that there are incredible opportunities for Swiss SMEs.

Brazil’s medtech future is now

Last year, the Ministry of Health launched “Digital Health Strategy for Brazil 2020–2028,” a program that aims to update digital health concepts and offers clear, concrete objectives for the coming years. Moreover, in a February 2020 survey of 2,258 physicians from all over Brazil, 90 percent already saw technology as a way to improve service throughout the country—and that was before the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our upcoming event aims to focus Swiss exporters’ attention to one of the largest medtech markets in the world, highlighting trends and opportunities, shedding light on the regulatory pathway and business models, and what to do (and what to avoid) when entering the Brazilian market.” – Switzerland Global Enterprise

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